When done right, herbs combined with nutrition can work wonders. The key to keeping one’s body (and organs) strong and healthy is by giving the body exactly what it needs - strengthen the weaknesses and sedate the excesses. Inflammation is a major culprit for people’s pain and dysfunction. It’s not enough to take an anti-inflammatory. More importantly, what’s needed is to track the inflammation to its origin. There is always a reason behind the occurance of disease, dysfunction, and disorder. Our job is to be the detective - detect patterns, movements, symptoms and life changes tracking way back to when everything was normal. The health of the body is like a spectrum. The goal is to be in the center where all systems of the body are in balance. Herbs and food are viewed as medicine that contain many different healing properties. So, how do food and herbs interact with the inner workings of the body once consumed? There are several things to consider when building a customized formula: where to direct the qi/energy; what properties are need for the condition: (e.g. hot/cold/cool/warm temperatures); is there stagnation or stasis of blood in a particular area; are there deficiencies or excesses, etc.? When there’s an illness, whether bacterial, viral, fungal, or parasitic, it’s best to kick out the pathogen as soon as possible before it has the chance to damage any organ. It’s imperative that the immune system is also supported. This will keep the person strong for the next exposure. A custom herbal formula can be the final piece you need to tip the scales and return you to your optimal function.